LOC or LCO Method/a Must Do for Coils and Kinks; Which is Best for Your Hair Type?

July 12, 2019 0 Comments

LOC or LCO Method/a Must Do for Coils and Kinks; Which is Best for Your Hair Type?

LOC or LCO method/a must do for coils and kinks; which is best for your hair type?

The LOC/LCO method is a moisturizing technique that is done to infiltrate your hair strands with moisture.  Then, seal it in using a sealing oil and a cream. It is the best moisturization technique because the water is sealed in for an extended period of time which is usually the length of the style. Your hair will stay moisturized for a week so that it stays healthy while it is styled into a particular way. L stands for water which is the best moisturizer. You can also choose to use a moisturizer as long as it is water based i.e. water is the first ingredient. Next, O stands for oil and you should use sealing oils. These oils can be jojoba, olive or even almond oil! Lastly, C is for creams which is another great sealant. You can switch between shea, cupuacu or grapeseed jars of butter. Each different hair type may use a different moisturizer or oil or shea butter. Once you find what works for your hair type, stick to it!

Which is best for your hair type?

4A – 4a hair type is thinner than the most hence you wouldn’t use heavy products for the LOC method. For 4a you should use water instead of moisturizer because the moisturizer has more ingredients than h20. Hence, the fewer products the better so as to not weight down your curls. Next, you would use a lightweight oil such as almond or sweet almond oil. The lighter the better. Lastly, you would use a lighter cream such as grapeseed butter to seal all the moisture in.


4B – 4b hair is type is a bit thicker with the zig-zag pattern. You can use heavier products but not heavy so as to not weigh down your curls. You can use water or a water-based moisturizer as your liquid. Next, your oil can be olive oil or even amla oil. These are not heavy oils that will weigh down your hair. Also, it will absorb into your hair strands better. Lastly, the butter that you can use is shea utter, capuacu butter or grapeseed. It can be a mixture of light or heavyweight.


4C – 4c hair is on the thicker end of the scale. For this hair type, you should use thicker products because it will absorb better into the strands. Also, it will not weight it down unless you are using a significant excess amount. Light products will not effectively moisturize the strands. For the L you can use a water based moisturizer. Ensure that the moisturizer’s first ingredient is water and that the remaining ingredients can be pronounced by you. Ensure to know what you are putting into your hair. For the oils, you can use castor oil or even olive oil. And for the butter, you can use cupuacu or even shea butter.


Do you use the LOC/LCO method to moisturize your hair? What products do you use when you do the LOC or LCO method for your hair strands?
